Pot. Cannabis. Weed. Maryjane. No matter what you call it, there are certain pre-designated traits to anyone who consumes marijuana. Some of the names associated with these people include “stoner”, “junkie”, “addict”, “pothead”, and “doper”. Today, medical marijuana gets the same backlash as recreational stuff which has a lot of people confused. But does the use of medical marijuana actually justify these names or terms? There are many myths, alongside the ignorant ones listed above, that have to be cleared up – once and for all. Let’s go through some of them and highlight the reality of it.
Everyone who uses cannabis is either “high” or “stoned”
In reality, medical marijuana is used for everything from pain to depression and when used as prescribed, is extremely effective for the ailment. Like all drugs, when cannabis is used carelessly, it can lead to a feeling of being high. Legal medical marijuana contains THC and CBD – the former is responsible for the mental effects whereas the latter causes effects on the body. Medical cannabis usually has a mix of these two components in smaller amounts and therefore the strains don’t normally get people stoned that easily. The strains made for medical purposes are generally created such that patients can go about their daily routine while also keeping their ailments away – all without the feeling of floating away.
Everyone using the same strain has the same experience
As mentioned earlier, there are different strains of medical marijuana. Each strain is designed to work for a number of different ailments. However, not every patient using the same strain will have the same experience. Just like any medicine, food, beverage, etc., everyone’s body will react differently to it. It doesn’t matter if 2 people have migraine issues and are of the same age group, the strain of medical marijuana might act differently between the 2 people. As is the case with all herbal drugs, time is the key. Medical cannabis users have to be patient when it comes to using the substance. If a certain strain doesn’t work, go back and try another till you find the one that works perfectly for you.
All marijuana has high levels of THC in it and will get me high
Yes, all marijuana has THC in it, but the levels vary depending on the strain. Before you can settle on a single strain, you have to do your research. Talk to the professionals and figure out which strain is best suited to your needs and ailments. While some strains might have higher levels of THC compared to CBD, others might have it reversed. It is always best to understand the differences between strains and how they can affect you. You could also visit any legal medical dispensary and talk to them about what you need.
Using medical cannabis has zero risks
Medical marijuana, when compared to any other medication, is safer by a huge margin. In fact, regular cannabis is also a lot safer than any other substance such as alcohol or tobacco. However, there are a few risks when using medical marijuana – especially the consumable products (edibles). Medicated weed can come in the form of chocolates, gummies, cookies, and more, and takes a little time to start working. This means you could be all the way through your cookie when you start to feel the “relief”. Consuming that much cannabis can cause a reaction like hypertension or anxiety so you should be careful when consuming edibles.
Ingesting cannabis goes through the system quicker
When medical cannabis is ingested, it takes some time for it to get going. It also takes a lot longer to go through your system. Because of this, it is advised to consume medical marijuana in small amounts and target that for pain rather than intoxication. Since medical marijuana is available in different types, it is easy to overdo it and consume more than you should. If this does happen, you should not panic. The best way to get the cannabis out of your system is to relax for a couple of hours and let it do its magic.
Medical marijuana makes you tired
In the United States, legal medical marijuana usually comes in two major categories of strains – Indica and Sativa. The Indica strain is best used at night when activities or work are at a minimum because it contains higher counts of CBD and very little THC. This strain helps relax the mind and body, reduces pain and nausea, and increases dopamine and appetite. On the other hand, Sativa contains higher THC and lower CBD counts which is why it is preferably used more during the day. Sativa is a strain that helps people suffering from depression and anxiety, it eases chronic pain, and increases serotonin and focus.
Using medical cannabis means you have to smoke it
As we have already talked about, medical marijuana comes in a plethora of shapes, sizes, and tastes. Today, some of the biggest companies around the country are selling medical marijuana products like chocolates, gummies, cookies, biscuits, lollipops, beverages, mints, chewing gum, and so much more. For example, Sioux Falls in South Dakota has some of the biggest licensed dispensaries in the country and they sell all types of medical cannabis products. In fact, the Argus Leader talks about the growth of the industry in their article here: https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2021/11/22/sioux-falls-sd-medical-marijuana-cannabis-licenses-tentatively-assigned-businesses-whats-next/8659394002/. Apart from edibles, medical pot is available as pills, oils, topical creams, tinctures, and even as vape cartridges.
You need a prescription for medical cannabis
While you will need to see a doctor, using medical marijuana doesn’t require a prescription. The doctor is there to basically identify your ailment and confirm that your condition is qualified for medication. The document provided by the doctor is then used to prepare a medical cannabis card. This can be done at any legal medical marijuana dispensary that deals in medical cards. The card and doctor’s document work as a prescription and can be shown at a dispensary at the time of purchasing your dose.
Medical marijuana laws are the same in all states
If you do believe that, you need to do a little more research. The reality is that the use of medical cannabis is still considered illegal in 4 states in the US. Others have rules about consuming CBD with THC only while there are some that have only just decriminalized the use of pot. The majority of states have either legalized marijuana completely or allowed the use of medical cannabis only. However, every state has its own laws and rules and you should stay updated on them – especially when traveling. The penalties for consuming medical marijuana in a state that has not legalized it can be quite heavy and could include some jail time as well.
It is illegal to grow your own medical marijuana
While it is illegal to grow marijuana for recreational purposes, some states do allow medical marijuana cardholders to grow their own strains. Some people can even get a caregiver to grow the cannabis for them. This is only legal if there is documentation proving that the state has approved the growth. For people who cannot grow their own medical marijuana, they can always purchase their dosage from their local dispensaries by providing their medical marijuana card.
These are some of the myths surrounding medical marijuana and we look to bring the truth forward rather than let people go on believing in them. Medical marijuana can do a lot of good for people who suffer from chronic pain, depression, nausea, and even pain from chemotherapy. Instead of condemning it, we should open our minds to the healing elements of medical cannabis and make it available for anyone who requires it.